There are 7 cities Ayodhya, Mathura, Haridwar, Kashi, Kanchipuram, Ujjain, Dwarika which are well known for providing Salvation. I may be of some help to you if you wish to visit these places. अयोध्या, मथुरा, माया (हरिद्वार), काशी, कांचीपुरम, अवन्तिका (उज्जैन), द्वारिका पूरी ये सात मोक्षदायिनी पूरियाँ हैं। प्रत्येक में मोक्ष पाने का साधन अलग […]

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द्वादश ज्योतिर्लिंग यात्रा DWADASH JYOTIRLINGAM

सौराष्ट्रे सोमनाथं च श्रीशैले मल्लिकार्जुनम्। उज्जयिन्यां महाकालमोंकारममलेश्वरम्॥1॥ परल्यां वैद्यनाथं च डाकिन्यां भीमशंकरम्। सेतुबन्धे तु रामेशं नागेशं दारुकावने॥2॥ वाराणस्यां तु विश्वेशं त्र्यम्बकं गौतमीतटे। हिमालये तु केदारं घृष्णेशं च शिवालये॥3॥ एतानि ज्योतिर्लिंगानि सायं प्रात: पठेन्नर:। सप्तजन्मकृतं पापं स्मरणेन विनश्यति॥4॥ इन बारह ज्योतिर्लिंगों के स्मरण मात्र से अनंत कल्याण होता है तो इनकी यात्रा से कितना लाभ होगा।

द्वादश ज्योतिर्लिंग यात्रा DWADASH JYOTIRLINGAM Read More »

BADRINATH बद्रीनाथ / बदरी विशाल

If required I may plan your trip to this place alone but it is advisable to cover at least all the 4 Dhams of Uttarakhand in one go. They are Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri & Yamunotri. If you have time there is much more to cover apart from the 4 Dhams of Uttarakhand. We may plan

BADRINATH बद्रीनाथ / बदरी विशाल Read More »

श्रीरामचारितमानस व क्वचिदन्यतोssपि

तुलसी कृत श्रीरामचरितमानस अपने आप में एक अनूठा ग्रंथ है। उसमें जब विभिन्न ग्रन्थों के ज्ञान को समाविष्ट कर दिया जाये तो उसकी सुगंधि कैसी होगी इसका एहसास आपको मेरे इस प्रयास से प्राप्त हो जाएगा। प्रभु की कृपा से यह समापन की तरफ है। ॥ सीताराम॥

श्रीरामचारितमानस व क्वचिदन्यतोssपि Read More »

A Handbook for Bankers संक्षिप्त बैंकिंग मार्गदर्शिका (पारिभाषिक शब्द विश्लेषाणान्वित)

Indian banking industry is very well developed. We may feel proud of it. If we take little interest and try to learn few rules we may bring happiness to ourselves. This book is written to give us an insight to some of the relevant banking processes. The book is helpful to a Banker as well as to Customers to acquaint themselves about general banking.
It is a very sorry state of affairs that those people are ill treated, upon whose money the bankers get their bread and butter. It is shocking that the Senior Executives either fail to understand that Banking & Insurance is a Service Sector where Customer Should Be Treated As A King. If they wilfully avoid Sensitising their Staff towards the courteous process of working that is a wrong again.
Annexure 7 of this book has 12 chapters spread out in 59 pages which exclusively deals with the rights of a customer. The rights mentioned there are so powerful that a Banker shall have no face saviour if commanded with knowledge. Those codes of commitments are so powerful that they will prevail over the instructions of RBI, if both happened to be divergent.
Similarly sometimes banks employing Agents to recover their Dues do allow them to use hard process which they ought not. Because of ignorance, people succumb to their undue pressure. By going through Chapters 9 & 10 and Annexure 6 the borrower shall be surprised to know that how respectfully should he be treated by the bank or their agents as directed by RBI. If they do not follow the directives their acts are actionable.
By the above foregoing one may conclude that the book is not only a ‘must to posses’ copy by the Bankers but also by people seeking knowledge. In order to make it easy even for a lay men the writer has written it in a very simple language and wherever difficult words were used or definitions have been used their translation in Hindi has been given then and there. Where understood very important, whole of the chapter is translated say for example Chapter 12 of Soft Skills. The lesson on Soft Skills is written with intention to enable one to become a good human being, which all of us aim to be.
It is meant for the candidates aspiring for passing the examination of Debt Recovery Agents and also on Inclusive Banking through BCs.
बैंकिंग के विषय में इस पुस्तक को पढ़ कर आपको आश्चर्य होगा कि ग्राहक अति सशक्त व्यक्ति होता है भले ही वह लोन ही क्यों न लिया हो। लोन ले कर समय से पैसा न जमा कर पाने वाले को भी बैंक कर्मी को पूरी तरह से एक इज्जतदार व्यक्ति कि तरह ही उसके साथ बर्ताव करना चाहिए। ऐसा न करना आपराधिक है।
इन सभी बातों एवं अन्य चीजों को जानने पर ही आप अपने अधिकार का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। ऐसे में इसको पढ़ने का प्रयास करना चाहिए।

A Handbook for Bankers संक्षिप्त बैंकिंग मार्गदर्शिका (पारिभाषिक शब्द विश्लेषाणान्वित) Read More »

Managing the Manager – A Handbook of interpersonal skills व्यवहार कुशलता

MANAGING THE MANAGER is a book which shall prove to be very useful in managing relationships in day to day life.
Have you ever thought why are we becoming lonely on a planet full of people so much that many don’t even have a place to live respectfully. Even those who are in mansions and whose children are highly posted worldwide are often seen to be craving for a wish.
What has gone wrong?
We are ourselves responsible for solitude.
We did not handle the Nature’s most beautiful gift – The Relationship.
I would suggest to starve than to earn if time limits you from developing good rapport.
What is this! Your own son does not listen to you! That son on whom you spent all your savings. That son in developing whom you sacrificed all the opportunities of enjoyment. That son who is your own clone, who is supposed to be thinking in the same manner as you. What’s wrong? Where did we commit mistake?
If our own son is not listening to us then how can we expect our relatives or people from society to help us? If they are doing it either they are very good people who may not be considered to be beings of the present world or they may have some ulterior motive.
This booklet which is so small that is not even of 100 pages and hence can be read quickly gives an insight to us how to Manage people. By captioning it Managing the Manager it does not restrict its usefulness to an employee only who is working under a manager. In fact everyone is a manager. Don’t you see that even a sibling asserts by waiving his limbs if his TV show gets obstructed. He is a manager who by his actions makes the parents to adjust themselves. Likewise each and every person we meet has his own way of dealing / working. It is very difficult for any one to get his way changed. Hence in all walks of life we need to Manage people.
If one goes through this book, in the long run one may say that THE BOOK WAS WORTH READING.
Own it.
Read it.
Imbibe it.
Enjoy a Better Life.
Even after that, you will be leaving a legacy of kindness and understanding which will help your descendants. As people will be expecting them to be similar, even if they are not. Respect will garland your children too even if they are not up to the mark but they follow the Rule, ‘Keep mum’.
मूलतः अङ्ग्रेज़ी में लिखी गयी व्यवहार कुशलता की यह पुस्तक न केवल सरल शब्दों में लिखी गयी है जिसको स्कूल जाने वाले छोटे बच्चे भी पढ़ कर हमें अच्छाइयों से अवगत करा सकते हैं बल्कि जहाँ आवश्यकता समझी गयी है वहाँ पर प्रसंगों / शब्दों को अनूदित भी किया गया है। जरूरी अंशों के हिन्दी अनुवाद के साथ होने से इस सस्ते किताब को अङ्ग्रेज़ी न समझ सक्ने वाले भी ले कर देख सकते हैं। शायद उनके कुछ काम की हो।
इस संसार में बहुत तरह के लोग हैं। यदि हम खुद अपने बच्चे से अपने मन के वाजिव कामों को नहीं करवा सकते हैं तो खुद ही सोचिये कि दूसरों से कैसे करवा सकते हैं।
हम ही अपनी नादानियों के कारण अपनों को अपने से दूर कर देते हैं।
इस पुस्तक में कुछ सूत्र लिखे हैं जिनको अपनाने से आशा किया जा सकता है कि शायद हमारी व्यवहार कुशलता बढ़ जाये एवं हम अपने घर परिवार से भी ऊपर सम्पूर्ण संसार के कुटुंबी बन जाएँ। यदि ऐसा हुआ तो वह आपकी सबसे बड़ी जीत होगी। ॥ सीताराम॥

Managing the Manager – A Handbook of interpersonal skills व्यवहार कुशलता Read More »

स्मृति सुधा

मान्यवर ऋषियों ने समय समय पर हमें आवश्यकता के अनुरूप अपने समाज के सुगम संचालन हेतु नियमों को दिया। वे नियम उन ऋषियों की सम्पदा होने से उन्हीं के नामों से जानी गईं। यथा मनु स्मृति एवं याज्ञवलक्य स्मृति।
उपर्युक्त दोनों स्मृतियाँ अति लंबी होने से स्वतंत्र रूप से प्रकाशित की जाएंगी। प्रस्तुत पुस्तिका में मैंने लुप्त हो रही प्रमुख स्मृतियों के उन वचनों को संकलित किया है जो आज भी उपयोगी हैं।
कहीं – कहीं पर आप [ ] इस प्रकार के कोष्ठक के मध्य में कुछ लिखा पाएंगे, वे आर्ष वाक्य नहीं हैं अपितु मेरी व्याख्या हैं। ज्ञान का यह खजाना प्रत्येक सनातन प्रेमी द्वारा अवश्य पठनीय है।
Since time immemorial our Saints have been striving to keep the society streamlined. For this they kept on making rules. The set of such rules came to be known by their names as Manu Smriti & Yagyawalkya Smriti.
The 2 mentioned above are so long that they need separate publications hence the same are left for future but those teachings which may be followed even today of some of the important Smritis which are available now – a – days are collected here. At places my personal inputs are also imbibed with brackets like this [ ].

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